We are an Intergenerational Community

We are seeking to be a community of love and belonging. We love members, visitors, neighbors, young and old!

We have a New Vision for our Future

We seek to more fully embody our Christian commitment to love our neighbors, and this is how we intend to do it!

We are Gathered to Grow in Love and Understanding

We are gathered by God's leading in times of worship, prayer, fellowship, and study to grow in our capacity to love one another.

We are Sent to Serve in Love and Compassion

We are sent out from our gatherings to love and serve this world with love and compassion until all persons know well-being and peace!


Our warm, welcoming, and joyful Sunday 10AM worship gatherings include both those gathered in-person and those gathered via Zoom. We know that almost every congregation says that "all are welcome," but we are trying to really embody that claim to the best of our ability.  Our constitution affirms: 


The unity of believers in Christ is reflected in the rich diversity of the Church’s membership. In Christ, by the power of the Spirit, God unites persons through baptism regardless of race, ethnicity, age, sex, disability, geography, or theological conviction. There is therefore no place in the life of the Church for discrimination against any person."


Children spend part of the worship hour with Lynne Klepacki in the children's room, and otherwise are invited to be with parents or guardians and participate in all of our worship practices. Our sanctuary room is a sanctuary FOR children and not FROM them - kid noises expected and celebrated!



                       Worship Meeting ID: 863-779-594

                       Worship Password: 001874

                       Dial-in Phone #: 1 929 436 2866


2025 Annual Meeting & 2024 Report



The Annual Meeting of the Congregation will be held immediately following our worship gathering on January 26th. We will celebrate God’s work in and through us in 2024, consider the 2025 Budget, and look forward to 2025 with hopefulness and faith! Please see the 2024 Annual Report (link below) for consideration and reference as we prepare for this time together.


2024 VFPC Annual Report
2024 VFPC Annual Report.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [5.6 MB]

CE Building Update - Jan. 2025





In December of 2019, the VFPC congregation declared its support for a bold new vision for our future, including transforming the CE Building into affordable housing units for vulnerable populations in the surrounding community. The current design, pending approvals, includes the utilization of the existing footprint of the building, the addition of another story, and the addition of a vestibule entrance and elevator tower on the courtyard-side of the Chapel wing of the building. This will result in a space with 17 efficiency/single-bedroom units and three two-bedroom units. 




  • Eight (8) of the efficiency/single-bedroom units will be for neighbors whose fixed-income or earnings are at or below 50% of the Area Median Income (< $40,150/year). 
  • Five (5) of the efficiency/single-bedroom and the three (3) two-bedroom units will be for local adults/families whose income is at or below 60% of the Area Median Income (< $48,180/year for an individual or individual-adult household, < $55,080 for a two-adult household).
  • Four (4) of the efficiency/single-bedroom units will be for adults with autism and/or other disabilities referred through Montgomery County’s HealthChoices Medical Assistance Program. These neighbors will be at or below 20% of the Area Median Income (< $16,060/year). 




With the help of our amazing fundraising partner, Alley Morehead of Stone Sherick Consulting, we have been awarded more than $5.5 MILLION from these sources, which completes our funding and allows us to move forward with this amazing work of peacemaking and loving compassion!


  • Montgomery County 2022 HOME Investment Partnership Program Funds
  • Montgomery County MH/DD/EI Program Office HealthChoice Capital Reinvestment Funds
  • Montgomery County Recovery Office ARPA Funds
  • Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency (PHFA)  Housing Opportunities Program




  • OPEN HOUSE: On January 23, 2025, builder Michael Sebright will offer refreshments and a brief presentation explaining this project to any curious or concerned neighbors. The households in our immediate vicinity are being notified via flyer of this opportunity. VFPC members are welcome as greeters, ambassadors, and neighbors!
  • ZONING HEARING BOARD MEETING: In early February 2025, Michael Sebright and a few VFPC representatives will meet with the Upper Merion Zoning Hearing Board in seeking the necessary variance to begin the work of this project in earnest. 
  • WORK BEGINS: If waivers, approvals, permitting, and financing closures all proceed on a best-case basis, the project could begin with emptying/demo work as early as the beginning of 2025. As this timetable becomes better defined, the congregation will be updated accordingly!




A: Our parking lot entrance is off Independence Road.  Using 227 Independence Road (19406) as a destination in your GPS/Maps App will get you closest to the entrance.


B: A set of concrete steps leads from the parking lot to the main level of our campus.


C: A set of red wooden doors off the corner of the parking lot lead to the Fellowship Hall, which is also the home of the Upper Merion Area Community Cupboard.   The Sanctuary and Main Office are handicap accessible from the parking lot by entering through the Fellowship Hall doors and taking the elevator up to the main level.


D: The entrance to the Office Area and the front of the Sanctuary.


E: The entrance to the Narthex and rear of the Sanctuary. Also the entrance for the VFP Nursery School!


F: The Christian Education building houses the Neighborhood Meals on Wheels office, but will hopefully be repurposed into apartments in 2025.


G: The Sanctuary, Office, and Christian Education Building can also be more easily handicap accessible (without the need of stairs or elevator) by parking along the curbside of Town Center Road. 




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© Valley Forge Presbyterian Church 2023