Whether participating via Zoom or in-person, we look forward to sharing in fellowship, worship, and prayer with you on Sunday mornings! Our warm, welcoming, and joyful Sunday 10AM worship gatherings include both those gathered in-person and those gathered via Zoom. Prayer, music, connecting and sharing, and listening for God's guidance in the weekly Scripture reading fill the hour.  On the first Sunday of each month, we celebrate our Communion with God and each other. Children in grade school or younger spend the worship hour with Lynne Klepacki in the children's room, while middle and high school youth are invited to participate in all of our worship practices. 


We know that almost every congregation says that "all are welcome," but we are trying to really embody that claim to the best of our ability.  Our constitution affirms: The unity of believers in Christ is reflected in the rich diversity of the Church’s membership. In Christ, by the power of the Spirit, God unites persons through baptism regardless of race, ethnicity, age, sex, disability, geography, or theological conviction. There is therefore no place in the life of the Church for discrimination against any person."


The doors and the Zoom meeting both open early for anyone who wants to be together to enjoy each other's company and stories. All worshippers will be asked to wear a mask at all times while inside the building if recently sick, recently exposed, feverish, or having any respiratory symptoms.

                       Worship Meeting ID: 863-779-594

                       Worship Password: 001874

                       Dial-in Phone #: 1 929 436 2866



We remember first that God is with us and will guide us through these stormy waters.  We remember second that we do not have to "go to church" in order to be the Church, and that our faith can be very much alive as we seek to love our neighbors! We may not be able to gather in body, but we can still gather in spirit  via Zoom! 


KNITTING AND CROCHETING CIRCLE: This group currently gathers via Zoom on Mondays at 1PM. For more information, email the VFPC Office.




VFPC Links



VFPC Nursery School Website


Valley Forge Presbyterian Church * 191 Town Center Road, KOP 19406 * 610-265-2420


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© Valley Forge Presbyterian Church 2023